Supported by

Cat A

Cat A

Cat A

Cat A

Cat A

Cat B

Cat B

Cat B

Movement or coordination affected in the legs to a moderate degree.

Movement in both legs affected to a high degree.

Movement in the lower trunk and legs affected to a high degree.

Absence of one leg below the knee.

Absence of  both legs below the knee.

Movement highly affected in the body below the chest and in the legs.

Movement highly affected in the lower trunk and legs, with one arm also mildly affected.

Movement highly affected in the mid-trunk and legs, with one arm also mildly affected.


Team Example

Cat A

Cat A

Cat B

Team Épée is made up of three fencers, at least one must be from Category B.

 Wheelchair Fencing Team Épée is a competition class at the Paris 2024 Paralympics